Thursday, September 30, 2010

Move-in time!

Eric moved in yesterday and we slept in our house! We were giddy with excitement about it until Eric tried to arm our alarm while bypassing the motion sensor and ended up setting it off at midnight! He disarmed it in under 10 seconds but the alarm co had automatically set the police in motion and I had to prove my identity to 4 police officers shining flashlights into our windows at about 12:20am. My ID doesn't have our new address on it yet but luckily they accepted a delivery invoice from IKEA with my name and our address on it. I didn't really fit the description of their typical burgular either, so that helped. :)

There's definitely more punchlist and clearing out construction materials to do, mainly on the 1st floor, but I'm planning to move in by 10/31, yay! You can see that Bonsai is settling in just fine...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Labor of love

This staircase has required some master carpentry and has taken much more time than anticipated, but Eric and Phil got it to "substantial completion" yesterday and it looks great. Eric spent today babysitting Joshua and Ricardo, our plumbing duo who were completely stumped over why the water wasn't hot in the shower while Eric was the one who thought to adjust the HWH temperature. Why are we paying these people?

The A-team

We hired CityVista's punchlist team, Gilberto and Nacho for the entire week to handle a bunch of details while Eric and Phil continued to concentrate on the stairs. They installed all of the basement closet doors, a coverpanel on one of the kitchen cabinets, a shelf on the knee wall, the basement washer & dryer and most recently they have been sanding and painting window trim and baseboard upstairs so Eric can move in this weekend! Eric has very high standards for workmanship and I think these guys get a B or B+, which is pretty good considering...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Under-Stair Doors

You may have heard Eric mention "the series of panelized doors under the stairs" and wonder exactly what that meant. Here's a picture of them coming into place. Each one hides something different behind: washer/dryer, hot water heater, storage/electric closet, Rudy's litter box, etc. and they will be controlled with a push-and-pop magnetized mechanism which I'm really excited to see! These of course will also be primed and painted and the stair treads will sit on top. This project has been lot of work for Eric & Phil to mastermind and execute so precisely.