Wednesday, August 10, 2011

White roof

Long time no post! We're married now! Phil came down 2 weekends ago and he and Eric coated the roof with a white membrane that they describe as having the consistency of marshmallow fluff. The coating had 2 purposes, one to extend the life and water-resistance of the roof and 2) to reflect light and heat from the roof, thus reducing the cost of cooling the house. We weren't quite organized enough to take before & after temperature readings in the attic, but we did take before & after photos below. It's almost blinding it's so bright!

Next is a photo I took last weekend of Eric on the roof through one of the skylights. He's a little obsessive about keeping them clean and they provide an awesome amount of light to the house during the day, so it's important to keep them that way. We're both a little giddy about living in our first house ever with skylights! This photo also shows off our very cool tracking lighting above the stairs.

This weekend, we are rebuilding the back deck with Phil's help. It's going to be about 6' wider and 2' longer than the current one and made of gray composite decking. Just the 1st phase of the backyard beautification!

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