Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tile has started...

We've spent the past week or so painting, which is coming along but time consuming. The bathrooms are done, with 2 coats of satin each, thanks to my mom visiting this weekend! The rest of the surfaces have 1-2 coats but are not done. Eric has specified flat for ceilings and eggshell for walls. We've also got some issues with primer peeling off drywall mud in some places - some attribute this to Chinese drywall mud. I think it may be the humidity, but Argent, our HVAC guys didn't put us on their schedule til 6/18, mostly I think because they are have a grudge that we wouldn't pay them outside of the contract cycle (I'm so done with contractors!).
Anyway, tile started today, which is very exciting. Attached are some photos of the master bath - this is the Tau Ceramica tile I've been raving about! Eric picked up our basement tub surround tiles today (those are Dal-tile) and we're about to make a home depot run tonight in search of black granite thresholds. The tile guys are returning tomorrow and I think painting will continue through Saturday, but we're going to the beach next week, for at least 1/2 of it, which will be a much needed break!

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